There is a lot going on in my life right now. Some of it I can't tell you about for confidentiality "project not finished yet" reasons. Some of it I can't tell you about for personal "not my story to tell" reasons.

Some of it I can tell you about, so here it is.

We've just finished the Circlet Press Writers Retreat for 2018. We livetweeted most of it, and you can read the shenanigans at the hashtag #porncamp. I gave a short talk on Accents: How To Not Annoy The Reader With Them, which at some point I'll probably write up for the Circlet site, and I finished my homework, which was reading part of the slush pile for an anthology we're referring to by the working title "Safe. Sane. Consentacle."

I'm currently in rehearsals for Mrs Hawking: Base Instruments and Gilded Cages. We're performing at the Watch City Steampunk Festival on May 12, 2 pm and 6 pm. In between our shows, a couple of our friends are performing with I Sebastiani in The Heterodyne Brothers and the Race To The West Pole!

Just after that ends, I'm starting rehearsals for a dance project. I appear to have accidentally founded a dance troupe about a month ago, and we'll be making our debut at the Dance Complex's summer festival, the Festival of Us, You, We, & Them. No word on when specifically, although I requested one of the outdoor performance slots.

I may or may not be attending the Sunday Soiree this month. I try, but I think I'm working that night, and there's a limit to what I can do in a week.


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