Status update:

Still don't have Captain Trips. Good.

Still panic every time I cough or sniffle, before remembering I have had exactly this level of post-nasal drip literally since November. Less good.

Still would very much like to be drunk, high, and/or asleep at virtually all times. Even less good, but am still able to ration what I have here, and can probably get PeaPod/Instacart/local establishments to deliver more eventually.

Gov. Baker still refusing to issue a shelter-in-place order for Mass, but has issued a very strong stay-the-fuck-at-home suggestion, and ordered non-essential businesses to close. Basically it's more and more boring to leave the house, and we're going to stop people from forcing you to go to work at your goddamn open plan call centers if it is not really truly necessary to keep society running. Restaurants, grocery stores, and pharmacies are still doing courier deliveries, and the USPS is still on duty. Liquor stores, notably, are considered "essential businesses".

Internet still works fine, so there's that.

Am sitting on the bed in a pile of screens and computing equipment. No kidding -- two laptops, the new Kindle, the old Kindle, the phone that gets phone service, the phone that's not smart enough to get service anymore but does work as a Game Boy, a DS, a 3DS, a welter of game controllers and wireless keyboards and headsets and drawing tablets, two external hard drives and a double handful of random solid state storage solutions. There is a third laptop, but I'm unsure if it still has a brain, and if not, whether any of the loose SATA drives in the bin are functional enough for a transplant.

The rats are perfectly fine, by which I mean they are asleep. I have switched them to all-washable fabric bedding. Normally they sleep on the shreds of coupon circulars and free newspapers, but those don't seem worth going out to get right now. I've resigned myself to a lot more laundry. Someone on Facebook pointed out that the difference between "post-apocalyptic" and "cyberpunk dystopia" is whether the utilities still work. So far we are heading for the latter.

I stream about an hour of random TV at 3 pm Eastern every day. Random other things at random other times. I set up RatCam last time I cleaned their house. I'll probably stream video games at some point.


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