Still not dead. Yay. Still horrified by the course of history. Not so yay. Although I recognize that the odds are overwhelmingly in favor of me surviving this mess regardless of what goes on outside, I find the suggestion that old people should totally be okay with drowning in their own frothy lung fluid as long as it keeps the money flowing abhorrent. Do they know they're saying this out loud? Do they understand that the main mass voter base that put them in power to begin with is angry that gun stores are "non-essential" businesses because they're running on a paranoid survival instinct? Has it not registered that they, too, will run out of toilet paper (or food, or clean water and sanitation) if the proletariat just sits the fuck own and refuses to work under these conditions? On my part, I've been home for the past two weeks. I have an anxiety disorder that tells me to avoid all human interaction when I'm over-stressed, and just this once it's fuck...