The studio tech director sent me up to do inventory last week. We've been in that building since 1991, so it was exactly as much of a hairball as you'd expect. I figured I'd find a lot of odd, slightly-outdated tech, but I really didn't expect to dig around in a cable bin and pull these guys out of the bottom: This here is an omnidirectional desk microphone that might be 40 years old. Or possibly 60. Google is not altogether helpful. The print is mostly worn off the plastic end, but what I can decipher seems to say "Superscope" and the mic matches pictures of the Superscope EC-1 for sale on eBay and elsewhere. One of the auctions said it was from the '60s, but I also found a photo of it in a scan from an equipment catalog dated 1984. The logo design itself reeks of early 1960s "wooooo space age!", but that doesn't necessarily mean it's from that era, just that the manufacturer hadn't updated the logo since then. Companies that have a ...