This is the pile of pills I knock back every morning to keep myself more or less functional. The long white 5500 pill and the two blue ones are painkillers: 500 mg acetaminophen (paracetamol outside the US), and 440 mg naproxen sodium. This is combining analgesics from two different families with two different mechanisms of action. They're both non-selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase, but acetaminophen, a derivative of coal tar, seems to work mainly on the central nervous system, whereas NSAIDs like naproxen have a more peripheral action that includes anti-inflammatory effects. I try to be conservative with the Tylenol, as I like my liver and I do occasionally drink. Naproxen, I am more cavalier about, as it doesn't cause me any GI issues, and I rarely exceed the '3 pills in 24 hours' box instructions. Prescription naproxen for osteoarthritis is 500 mg q8-12h, which puts my usage well within standard therapeutic range. Starting out with two naproxen instead of one i...