
Showing posts from January, 2022
The apartment lost a roommate this month. Nice guy, but a bit of a hoarder. He left us seven laptops when he moved out. Seven . We had a stack of six up by the TV and we thought we'd found them all, but then he came back for another load of stuff and another MacBook Pro appeared on top of the pile. Yes, MacBook Pro. Yes, "another".  They were all Macs of various stripes; another roommate took the Pro that just worked right off the bat, but this one seemed slightly more recent and had nothing obvious the matter with it, other than it wouldn't turn on. I did some poking about and finally got it to boot by digging up a 100W power supply. I'm not sure it's supposed to need a brick that hefty. The model number says it's of early 2018 vintage, which in theory would have come with an 87W supply. That already blows my mind, as the chonkiest brick any of my Windows/Linux laptops needs is 19V at 2.5A. But 100W did get it to turn on and work flawlessly, except for a ...
'Tis the season for New Year's Resolutions. Roughly four thousand percent of them seem to involve food. The world is spamming my social media with ads telling me I could eat cheap, healthy, easy, tasty, organic, artisanal, yadda yadda yadda. Superfoods! Antioxidants! Environmentally and socially conscious! I'll look like a model and develop enough super powers to keep me alive for all eternity! I'll level with you all. I don't have much to say about the appearance-based propaganda. My entire opinion on the matter is that it is wrong to use anyone's physical appearance as an excuse to treat them as lesser humans, and if you do that you're being an asshole. It's just not something I wrestle with. I won't get into numbers or details, but I have looked more or less the same since I was fourteen, I am now forty, I am still paid money to show up to places and let various people stare at me. I'm not claiming to be perfect, just noting that the things I ...