In which I play video games, and you can watch!

Ratto Moon
So apparently, we have a hurricane coming? Lee is not supposed to hit directly my area directly, but over here slightly inland of Nantucket we're supposed to get a lot of rain and flooding and generally unpleasantly wet circumstances. I've once again landed in an apartment at the top of a hill, as I somehow always do, and I'm on the top floor. I'm not likely to get too soggy myself, or have to bail anything out, but I'm not really going to want to go outside for the next couple of days either. 

Fortunately, I don't need to! I'm on Twitch. I've cast the augury bones -- by which I mean I looked at a website that scrapes Twitch metadata to tell me when my audience is likely to be online -- and apparently people are most in the mood for some Ace Attorney on Saturday mornings. Fine. I can think of worse ways to spend my weekend. So, assuming the power stays on, I'm going back to playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on Twitch at 11am this Saturday, for however long I don't get bored of it. Probably a couple hours. Come by and watch! Chat convinced me last time that I should read all the speech bubbles. By the end I started doing all the voices. I'm an actor, so sue me. 

I got sucked into a black hole of graphic design a little bit ago, so there is a landing page for the channel at with info, and eventually pictures of rats past and present when I remember where in the stack I put that particular external hard drive. Notable on that site is that there is, well, a Notes page -- I can't play translated things without also getting irritated and/or impressed by the translated things, and I still remember enough Japanese to go on long-winded explanations of all the stuff I spot in games.


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